Monday, October 12, 2015

Fall Break

This year, just like the last two years, we had a break around Columbus Day called Fall Break. Just like every other year, I went home during this break, but only through Sunday as I needed to be back for my internship Monday morning. Fall break is always one of my favorite breaks as it signifies you've made it halfway through the semester and remainder of the semester will go by in a blink of the eye.

After four long hours in the car Friday afternoon, I finally made it home. When I got home the only ones actually there were the dogs as my dad was reffing volleyball and my mom was dropping my sister off at school for the Homecoming game, which I was also planning on attending. About 5 minutes after I pulled in the driveway and unpacked the car, my mom came home and it was time to go to the game. Walking into the game, I was tackled by my sister who had been waiting for my arrival. She also had friend taking photos of the who thing, which were really cute to see after. Just being at the Homecoming game made me feel old, as it had been three years since my Homecoming game. I was able to catch up with some old friends at the game, but felt so out of the loop with everything they were talking about, as I'm four hours away from Coopersville. After the game, I went and met up with my dad who was out with some family friends. By the time midnight rolled around I was all ready for bed, as it had been a long day with work, school and all the driving. 

When I woke up Saturday morning everyone was up and getting ready to leave as my dad had to ref volleyball and my mom and sister had to help my grandma out at her orchard. I spent the majority of my morning running around doing errands that needed to be done before I left. I made a stop to my grandma's orchard during the afternoon to visit my mom and sister, but also to visit my grandma and get some fresh apples. When I got back home, I spent the remainder of my day sitting on the couch and watching college football with the dogs, waiting for everyone to get home. Once the family all arrived home, I continued to watch football and they would just come downstairs and watch with me or in my sisters case, she wanted me to come to her room and hang out with her. Close to 10:30 at night I went and met up with a friend at half off appetizers at Applebee's where we caught up and continued chatting until midnight. By the time I returned home everyone was asleep, and I was right behind them. 

Sunday morning we got up early to go to church and then went out for breakfast afterwards. When we returned home it was close to 10 a.m., so I started to pack as I was heading back to ONU and wanted to get there before it go dark out. I dropped my sister off at my grandma's around noon, went back to home to say good bye to my parents and then the four hour journey back to Ada began. After about an hour of driving, I took a little detour to East Lansing to visit my brother at Michigan State University. I stayed there for close to two hours where I took him to the store, as he isn't allowed to have a car on campus. I left East Lansing close to 3 p.m. and had about three hours of driving ahead of me. I arrived back in Ada close to 6 p.m. and I was so happy to just sit and do nothing as I was exhausted from my weekend and all the driving I had done. 

1 comment:

  1. Tiffany,

    I am glad that you had a fun filled weekend at home before returning to Ada. I always like coming back to Ada to just relax after a busy weekend and long drive.
