Monday, October 17, 2016

Where has the time gone?

This past weekend my sister attended her first dance, and this could not have made me feel older. My sister and I are seven years apart and even as I continue on through college, I still view her as my baby sister who should be in the first grade.

Throughout the day on Saturday, my mom sent me photos of the progress my sister was making as she was getting ready. Every time I would receive a photo, I would run around and show all of my friends because I couldn’t believe this girl was my baby sister and about to attend her first dance.  

Throughout the night I received texts from both of my parents who also couldn’t believe Natalie was attending homecoming. The next day I texted my sister and asked her all about the dance. I was especially curious if things had changed regarding the rules at dances from my time in high school. Overall, she enjoyed the night and not much had changed in the seven years from when I had attended my first homecoming dance.

On Sunday morning, my mom texted me asking if I had seen all of the group photos. I quick went to Facebook and was still in awe that my sister and her friends attended a dance. This event was the first of many where I will feel old compared to my sister. Next, I will be graduating college, my brother will graduate from Michigan State two years later and Natalie will graduate from high school the following year. It’s hard to believe this is happening so quickly, but I wouldn’t change anything. In my eyes, my sister will always be my baby sister no matter how old she is.