Sunday, September 27, 2015

Doing Research

In chapter 15 of Real-Time Marketing & PR by David Meerman Scott we discussed the importance of research. It's important to know what your customers want, so you can be the one to sell it to them
. When researching your clients, it's important for your company to be engaging in real-time marketing and PR, so your company can engage in real-time sales. It's very important to do everything in real-time as your company need to react to everything in that manner.

As we discussed in class, Ohio Northern has a  Banner System that collect information current students, prospective students and alumni. This Banner System take information about all these individuals such as marital status, location, employment and many other demographics the system uses to gain information. Not only do universities use this system, but also many companies do as they are trying to gage their current customer like and what they can do to bring in prospective customers. The goal of these Banner Systems is to define recognizable and repeatable selling situations.

Over the years customers have lost their voice when expressing opinions, but with the creation of social media customers have been able to express their opinions through these outlets. During chapter 16 we talked about General Motors and how they timely responded to a blog that was talking about how they no longer focus on their customers. Christopher Barger, GM's director of social media saw the blog post and responded in real-time to the ne
gative post and turned it into a positive for his company. Barger commented two days in a row on the blog, which shocked the blogger. The blogger in turn came back with a positive post about General Motors and all the positives the company did when handling a situation.

The importance of responding in real-time to customer complaints should be your companies top priority. Knowing what is important to both your current customers and your prospective customers should be important to your company.


  1. Tiffany- Before reading “Real Time Marketing and PR”, I had no idea the importance of reacting in real-time. Real-time is essential in marketing, engagement, communication and customer service. In order to be a successful public relations professional, it is important that we adapt Meerman-Scott’s philosophies about reacting in real time. It is important to me that I work at a company who values real-time engagement. Putting customers and their needs in front of yours is an important aspect in the business world many companies lack.

  2. Tiffany,

    What surprised me the most about the General Motors story, is that fact that they actually responded. They are a gigantic, older and extremely wealthy company. You wouldn't expect them to be living in real-time. I think that's why the Blogger was so tongue-tied. He couldn't believe that a company like GM would ever comment on his little blog. I'm so glad that a company like this is moving forward and responding in real-time and I believe that because of GM's quick reaction, they ended up getting great feedback. This was not only great publicity for them, but shows that they care about their customers!
