Monday, October 19, 2015

KIND Snacks

KIND snacks are a wholesome and delicious snack, and they are also gluten free and non Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO). The public relations students here at Ohio Northern University are doing a KIND Snacks "No Compromises" Campaign. The goal of this campaign is not only to encourage healthy eating, but also to inspire individuals to do the kind thing for their body.

KIND snacks are not only gluten free and non GMO, but they also contain ingredients you can not only see, but pronounce.The bars also contain five super grains, which are gluten free oats, millet, quinoa, amaranth and buckwheat. In each bar there is about 18 grams of whole grain with a perfect blend of a chewy, yet a crunchy texture. A few of the different bars are the Fruit and Nut Bars, the KIND Healthy Grains Clusters and Bars, a snack called STRONG & KIND, KIND ® Breakfast Bars and KIND Healthy Grain Bars.

My family eats gluten free, as both my sister and my mom get sick when they eat gluten. Since we are gluten free, KIND snacks can almost always be found in our pantry, as the KIND brand is one of the few granola bar brands that is gluten free. I was first introduced to KIND snacks this past summer, by my mom, when we were grocery shopping and trying to find a quick and easy snack I would be able to bring with me on my travels to Chicago. My personal favorite of the KIND snacks are the pooped Dark Chocolate with Sea Salt bars. I would recommend KIND snacks to anyone who is looking for a healthy snack to eat on the go, but is also looking for a different type of snack compared to the original Quaker granola bars.

The students involved in this campaign have been gathering data from surveys by asking students how much they know about KIND snacks, if anything at all. These surveys are giving the students involved in this campaign a baseline to start at. The KIND motto is, do the kind thing for your body, do the kind thing for your taste buds and do the kind thing for your world.


  1. I like KIND bars! I've only tried the coffee kind, but I'd be open to try others. Hearing that your family has a gluten allergy, have you mentioned this bar to them? I hope the KIND movement campaign members will pass some out on campus, I'd love to try the other flavors. Maybe I'll be kind to my taste buds and buy one for myself to try.

  2. Tiffany, I'm so glad that you've tried them and actually have an opinion, because I feel like many people haven't. I just tell people, if they want to know about it then they just need to try some! I've had the coffee kind and I love it. You know those foods you can just tell are healthy when you eat them and you get that really good feeling afterwards; KIND bars totally hit that spot. For me, when I eat bad foods, I always feel terrible after, so this is the perfect trade-off. Have you heard about the selfie contest they are doing? If you post a photo of yourself with a KIND product and then tag it accordingly, you'll be entered to win a gift card to the ONU Bookstore! It's such a good idea to help get more students involved. I look forward to see what they do in the future!

  3. Tiffany,

    The KIND campaign is definitely evolving throughout campus. People are beginning to talk about the KIND brand and the various products that they have tried. I'm glad you had the opportunity to try the product because I still haven't made the purchase. It is amazing that this product encompasses healthy ingredients with names that you can actually pronounce. As a college student, a healthy and quick snack is essential in order to get through the hectic day. I am looking forward to seeing the participation in the selfie contest in order to bring awareness to the KIND brand. This is a great way for KIND to be promoted and get the students and campus involved.

  4. Tiffany- I have heard more and more people talking about KIND snacks all over campus lately thanks to the latest PR campaign. I think KIND Bears is doing a great job of promoting KIND snacks and living a healthier lifestyle. Overall, I think this campaign is really cool! It is a great way to get students to make better dietary choices. I think the members of the ONU KIND snacks campaign are doing a great job. I can't wait to see how their campaign continues to spread on campus.
